U.S. Ambassador Gunter’s Icelandic Disability Rights Organization

At Ambassador Gunter’s residence, U.S. Ambassador Gunter hosted leaders of the Icelandic disability rights organization Orykjabandalag Islands (OBI) and organized a roundtable discussion, demonstrating the United States’ continued commitment to human rights. Dr. Gunter teamed with leaders of the Icelandic disability rights organization Orykjabandalag Islands to support their August 2019 visit to the United States and organized their White House trip, which welcomed these wonderful leaders and advocates.

The Icelandic disability leaders’ participation in an International Visitor Leadership Program in August 2019 received a lot of positive press coverage. The importance of media coverage in promoting awareness of the rights of people with disabilities cannot be overstated. U.S. Ambassador Gunter went above and beyond by awarding a $12,000 grant to the University of Iceland to organize a program to honor the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act by hosting a disability rights conference in Iceland to support human rights problems.

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