U.S. Ambassador Jeffrey R. Gunter Secured Vice President Pence’s Historic Visit

U.S. Ambassador Gunter Welcomed Vice President Mike Pence to Reykjavik

During U.S. Ambassador Gunter’s time as Ambassador of Iceland, he secured and supported Vice President Pence’s historic visit to Reykjavik. On September 4, 2019, Ambassador Gunter supported this visit since it would highlight Iceland’s importance in the Arctic, NATO’s measures to counter Russian aggression, and opportunities to better solidify and strengthen American and Iceland’s relationship to enhance trade, as well as investment ties.

U.S. Ambassador Gunter Secured Mike Pence’s Historic visit at Hofdi House

The support from Dr. Gunter is what secured this historic visit. When the Vice President and Second Lady enjoyed coffee with Iceland’s President, Gudni Th. The two leaders discussed Johannesson and First Lady Eliza Reid, bilateral relations, security cooperation, Arctic challenges, and our shared principles. U.S. Ambassador Gunter organized many of Vice President Mike Pence’s essential meetings. Dr. Gunter arranged multiple high-importance meetings, such as Vice President Mike Pence’s landmark Bilateral meeting with Icelandic Prime Minister Katrin Jakobsdottir at Keflavik Air Base. The Vice President and Prime Minister covered a wide range of topics at the meeting convened by Dr. Gunter, further solidifying the existing strong and historical bond between our two great countries. In Icelandic society, a famous snapshot of the meeting has firmly established itself as one of the most important photos of 2019.

Leading the Business Roundtable

At the historic Hofdi House, Ambassador Jeffrey Ross Gunter led a business roundtable with Vice President Pence and Foreign Minister Gudlaugur Thor Thordarson, which included a dozen US and Icelandic enterprises. Participants suggested the potential for increased trade and investment. The Vice President and Foreign Minister explored what actions governments could take to assist in this regard, resulting in significant improvements in the trade relationship.

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